Best out of Waste | Bottle Art | Fun with Colors.


Art is something which can elicit one's emotions, ideas, and notions in order to achieve a desired aesthetic result. Today ‘art' is a universal language. Art gives us almost infinite capacity to create a new world of artistry. Bottle art is one of a form of visual art. One can effortlessly recycle a bottle into portraiture by adding a tinge of color. Bottle art is a substantial way to restore junk bottles.

Formulate your bottle

The first thing you have to do is to wash your glass bottle thoroughly from inside out, remember to ensure safety. If any labels soak the bottle for a few hours and then scrub the label. Rinse it with soap water and wipe it with a clean cloth. Now your bottle is ready for painting. You can use a primer or any color acrylic paint as a base.

Here are my few bottle art which may inspire you to change your mind from dumping your unused empty glass bottles. There are tremendous possibilities to lay your art on the bottles. It’s fun!

Bunch of flowers

I have used Flash artists acrylic color black for the base, Flash artists acrylic color red and ultra white for the flowers. I have made the petals using a finger for leaves I have used Flash artists acrylic color green and parrot green. The bottom and neck of the bottle are lined up with paper thread using fevicol. Allow it to dry then apply a coat of Fevicryl Modge Podge Gloss. Tada!!! Bottle art is ready for display.

Meditating Buddha

For this piece of art I have used Flash artists acrylic color black as a base. Sketch the outlines of buddha. For painting Buddha, I have used Flash artists acrylic color orange, ultra white and grey. Allow it to dry and coat it with Modge Podge.

Sculpture Touch

I have used flash acrylic parrot green for the base. To make the flowers and buds use sculpture paste from itsy bitsy sculpting paste lavender mist and for leaves use sage green. Spread the paste on a clean smooth surface and with the help of painting knife collect the paste and make petals for the flower, similarly for the leaves .

Love for dolls

I am sure little artists are going to love this piece of art. Its really fun playing with colors. Art can also be a simple way to reduce your stress. Base the bottle with required color and pep your bottle with your imagination. Here i have used acrylic color golden yellow and sky blue as the base. To color the dress of doll use turquoise green, flesh tint color for the skin and red color for the balloon. Now line up the neck of bottle with paper thread and its ready!

As I said before there are tremendous possibilities. Hope this blog was useful for you.


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